Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Save the Tigers

I have been seeing this advert for some time now. an innocent looking tiger cub fearfully purrs, looking for its mother. a gunshot is heard. this advert has really stirred me up. it said that only 1411 tigers are left on the Indian soil! I'm sure the true picture is being hidden. the number would be much less than that. but the fear in that cub's eyes still sends tides of chill through my mind. what would happen if you were to know that your mum wasn't coming back? imagine how you would deal with such a situation & now think the plight of that innocent & harmless cub. it can't even express its emotions. and other animals? the elephant, the rhino, the shark? the situation is too grim to be left unnoticed.

we, the foolishly arrogant & self centered race of humans, are the root cause, the criminals for the sad state of affairs. too engrossed in fighting for our rights & interests, we are absolutely oblivion to other important things. the b**t**ds who indulge in poaching happily make money while the count of one of the most beautiful creature on earth goes on receding. if a tiger or a leopard wanders into a human inhabited area, the most probable consequence is that it would be pelted with stones to death. but who cares? the poor government is too preoccupied solving matters like poverty & unemployment (that seem eternal), the organizations that have been setup for this are short of funds to function properly, and we, as I said, have learnt to live in oblivion. what should be done then?

I strongly suggest that the those who are found to indulge in poaching, should be given a very painful punishment, so that they can experience the unsaid pain in that cub's eyes. I personally would hang them upside down & pour boiling water down their pants. but it's not my job to punish them. that's for the law to handle. I would just do my best to spread awareness about this cause. DO NOT BUY ILLEGAL PRODUCTS MADE FROM ANIMAL SKIN! IT'S NOT ONLY ILLEGAL BUT SINFUL! and I would appeal to all those intelligent people reading this blog to stand beside me & raise a voice against the miserable situation. let the people know & understand the seriousness of the issue. if a million voices are raised, they can't be left unheard. the government would sooner or later have to wake up & be much more strict while making laws regarding this problem.

and if at all you think I am wasting my time, then carry on my friend. many more tigers shall continue to die while you'd smugly live on in oblivion.
my best wishes to you dear reader. May God bless the poor orphaned cubs.

1 comment:

  1. What you have written here, my dear friend, is a gourd full of truth. I share your feelings, but feel that there are a lot more people, than you think, who are involved in this. Take for example, any rich guy will buy products made from animals, just cause it adds to his **** pride.
    You have written " Blog is mightier than a sword," lets see how mightier it is in pursuaing such low life criminals. Though nice topic to start with.
    w8ing for the next post!!
